Psychotherapy for Individuals, Couples & Families

locations & therapeutic services

211 New Britain Road, Suite 203

Berlin, Connecticut 06037

United States


individual Psychotherapy

Sessions are an open time and place for individuals to discuss anything that may contributing to how you feel.

Group Therapy

Group work is the right balance of "lift and push" to develop and reflect on your needs in a confidential and safe space.

marital/couple Psychotherapy

Weekly sessions help couples reflect, evaluate & work through the roadblocks and gridlocks that often erupt in communication.

Family Therapy

Relationships and love are difficult in families. Weekly sessions let people talk & process to help get things organized and back on track.

Family Constellations

A family constellation, is a alternative group style of therapy designed to address the current “symptoms” of the individual, family, or couple at the systemic and generational level to promote healing and deep resolution. Scroll down to read more, or hit the button below to contact me about scheduling a session or attending a group.

family constellations
-What is it??

Family Constellations is a type of group therapy that works with your unique family patterns being represented and included in the picture. You experience a 3-dimensional “feel” to a problem that may have been previously inaccessible or perhaps not understood.  One of the major pioneers, Bert Hellinger, spent years learning about the habits and psychology of people and then applied his knowledge and developed this widely used form of therapy to help people, systems, businesses, families and organizations all over the world.  The theory explain that unresolved family patterns and dynamics can lead to relational and individual symptoms depression, anxiety, ADHD, panic disorders, perfectionism, mood disorders, family conflict, communication problems, patterns of avoidance, dissatisfaction or a felt sense that you just haven’t been able to move on with something in your life.  Constellations and therapy begin working to uncover those previously hidden aspects of life and create the potential for change.

Please know that during groups there is no pressure to start your work immediatly; you are welcome to attend and simply observe, ask questions and get a better understanding.  After observing the group, most people quickly welcome the opportunity to share. Groups are intended to create and sustain the therapeutic space necessary to facilitate the work of the person doing the constellation.  The facilitator works with both known, and unknown dynamics as part of the bigger picture.  The group comes together to support you and your process through it all.  

If you’re interested in a “deeper dive” into the web of Family Constellations; I encourage it and welcome you.  Please call 860-575-5317 for questions or to schedule an appointment.